Reshaping the Colombian Agriculture Sector with Technology

Dimitra and Agrosavia join forces to develop Colombia’s agriculture sector sustainably

Dimitra Technology
4 min readJul 19, 2022

July 19th, 2022

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE — Dimitra Incorporated, a global Agtech company on a mission to make its technology available to smallholder farmers globally, is working with The Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research — Agrosavia, an indirect decentralized public entity whose higher purpose is to sustainably transform the Colombian agricultural sector with the power of knowledge to improve the lives of producers and consumers.

AGROSAVIA is the corporation that coordinates the goals and objectives of the scientific and technological transformation of all Colombian agricultural sectors, and the DIMITRA ecosystem can facilitate the achievement of these goals and objectives in many other areas, so that all Colombians enjoy sustainable development.

Together the teams will unite efforts to develop the Colombian agricultural sectors sustainably to the fulfillment of both companies missions and values.

The first project involves two initiatives:

1) The digitalization and centralization of the genetic information of bovine herds in Colombia.

2) Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help farmers make the best reproductive decisions for healthier, more productive, and profitable animals.

Improving the Growing Livestock Sector

Dimitra and Agrosavia are working together to find the best way to implement a livestock identification and registration system, selection of herds and establish effective planning, budgeting and management of the growing livestock sector.

Animal identification, recording, and traceability systems are critical components of any animal production system because their outcomes help policymakers develop and plan.

Dimitra’s Livestock Guru platform provides solutions for collecting, transmitting, processing, and storing information related to animal genetics, movement, breeding, production, conservation, commercialization, and revenue generation.

Dimitra Livestock Guru system functionalities:

  • Manage all animal records and have full traceability for livestock
  • Analyze/interpret performance records in dairy, beef, breeding, and genetics
  • Reduce livestock theft and cattle rustling
  • Operationalize an integrated data management system within the ministry
  • Develop a repository for livestock data
  • Develop data analysis and visualization system

Challenges for Colombian Cattle Farmers

Colombia has a herd of more than 29 million cattle and buffaloes, spread across more than 600,000 farms, which produced 7.821 million liters of milk and 758 thousand tons of beef in 2021.

Most of these properties belong to small producers who are influenced by rising costs of agricultural inputs, increasing costs of logistical services, and rising prices on milk, meat and by-products, which caused inflationary effects on the final consumer.

This challenge is becoming increasingly more important for dairy farmers and future generations. By 2026, it will be possible to import powdered milk from the United States without additional tariffs, increasing competition and hurting producers’ profit

margins. As a result, animals that can produce more at a lower cost are essential for the survival of many dairy farmers.

It is vital for producers to innovate and identify tools that reduce costs and improve profitability, and Dimitra and Agrosavia are on a mission to do just that.

Diego Costa, Dimitra’s Director for Latin America, says, “It is an honor to work with a nationally and internationally recognized organization like Agrosavia. We are excited to innovate with the Colombian agricultural sector.”

Dimitra Sales Partner in Colombia mentions that “due to the common objectives existing between Dimitra and Agrosavia, we believe that we can work assertively and efficiently to help accelerate Colombian agriculture to the next technological revolution, helping current and future generations. This work is especially important since the social balance in Colombia depends on modern and productive agriculture.”

In the words of Agrosavia Executive Director, Dr. Jorge Mario Días, “this kind of revolution can only be achieved if there is day-to-day field monitoring by researchers, scientists and technicians to Colombian farmer, as Agrosavia does, directly in Colombian crops and pastures, in the farms and other agricultural facilities, thus supporting a real transfer and appropriation of technology at all levels”.

Press Contact: If you have inquiries about this news or to get in touch with Dimitra Incorporated, contact



Dimitra Technology

Our mission is to partner with developing nations to make agricultural technologies more accessible to farmers.