Connecting Education and Indonesian Coffee

“Coffee for the Students and the Earth”

Dimitra Technology
4 min readSep 26, 2022

September 26th, 2022

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE — Dimitra Incorporated, a global Agtech company, is on a mission to make its Dimitra Connected Coffee platform the leading provider of digitization for coffee production in the developing world. As part of this journey, Dimitra is already working with Solok Radjo Cooperative, a Coffee Cooperative of 3,300 coffee farmers based in West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Solok Radjo and Dimitra have signed an agreement to develop a solution to accelerate the growth and profitability of Solok’s coffee to premium export markets. Demand for traceability and provenance in today’s coffee industry requires that the solution manages all areas of the extended supply chain — farming, harvesting, collection, processing, batching, and exporting.

In line with Dimitra’s drive to facilitate and educate smallholder farmers, we have signed an agreement with Andalas University, a public research university in Padang, West Sumatra. Andalas is one of the major public institutions of higher learning in Indonesia, and the oldest outside the Island of Java.

Professor Helmi (left) Sales Partner Ricky Tanudibrata (middle) PhD Student Rafnel Azhari (right)

Solok Radjo’s sustainability strategy has seen them team up with Andalas University to develop an integrated Carbon Soil Assessment Program to review the current soil health and monitor the ongoing regenerative practices with a digital platform. Dimitra is working with students, lecturers, and Professors to collaboratively digitize the user experience and continually improve the platform to create an industry-leading service.

Dimitra’s Indonesian Sales Leader, Ricky Tanudibrata is training Andalas University students to use the Dimitra Connected Coffee application to aid in their research project at Solok Radjo cooperative.

By leveraging the power of Dimitra’s Connected Coffee application and dashboard, vital information is collected and added to the Dimitra blockchain to provide immutable records of soil test results collection, correlated satellite imagery, and plant and tree coverage in the Solok Rajo farms.

Dimitra brings a simple-to-use platform to this collaboration between the University, the farmers, and cooperative management. The technology’s powerful back-end Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial intelligence (AI) systems pull insights from tracked activities in the field, soil sample traits, weather events, satellite imagery buying station statistics, and plantation yields.

Solok Radjo Cooperative is a progressive social farming enterprise using environmentally friendly farm practices to nurture the land under crop. The cooperative motivates farmers to optimize the yields of their land. In particular, farmers should be able to benefit from coffee farming while the cooperative processes and markets the coffee fruits. In addition, cattle are included in the ecosystem for human protein, sold to domestic markets for diversified income, and the manure is used on the plantations to boost soil health. Solok Radjo has 3300 farmers within the cooperative network and is looking to double its farmers in the next two years.

Dimitra’s Indonesia Country Partner, Ricky Tanudibrata, said, “This project opens opportunities to students to experience coffee farming, to get involved in the coffee supply chain that is based on data. This is an eye opener for them about the future in farming, which for many reasons, has been demotivating. With this cooperation, they will understand that their capabilities are very much needed to build a sustainable coffee ecosystem. With the students’ collaboration, we can build a vibrant farming community that is based on data that gives everyone access to technology, to finance, to a market that is responsible and sustainable.”

‘Partnering with Dimitra is important for Solok Radjo to realize an integrated, data-based, sustainable coffee enterprise. We are greatly looking forward to working with Dimitra’s Connected Farmer platform to provide a more structured approach to our production and to allow us to meet the requirements of our export partners while helping the environment and ultimately the lives of our cooperative community,” said Head of Solok Radjo project, Alfadriansyah (Adi).

Sales Partner Ricky Tanudibrata (left) from Indonesia with Yossi Agusta, head of economic development, Solok regency, West Sumatra province (middle). Alfadriansyah (Adi), head of Radjo project (right). Feb 2022.

Press Contact: If you have inquiries about this news or to get in touch with Dimitra Incorporated, contact



Dimitra Technology

Our mission is to partner with developing nations to make agricultural technologies more accessible to farmers.