AMA Summary: Dimitra x Weaver Telegram Community

Dimitra Technology
7 min readAug 8, 2023


Our CEO Jon Trask recently sat down with the Weaver Telegram Community to talk about all things Dimitra! Here is the recap for that event.

Dimitra is committed to advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Can you elaborate on the specific SDGs Dimitra focuses on and how the company aligns its initiatives to contribute positively to environmental, social, and governance issues?

Yes, I would love to elaborate on the specific SDGs we are actively focused on. Currently we have articles touching on our commitment to advancing SDG’s 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 15. These are just a few of the SDGs we focus on, but we are not limited to only these goals.

  • #2 — Zero Hunger: We believe in enlisting the help of all players and proactively coordinating efforts with governments, farming cooperatives, agriculture corporations, NGOs, for-profit organizations, and more. Together, we are developing and deploying innovative digital technologies that will play a key role in eradicating hunger for good. Dimitra is actively making strides to build toward our goal of Zero Hunger advancing around the globe. Dimitra’s purpose-built solutions give farmers both tools and training to support sustainable food production. This has the happy byproduct of shaping their businesses’ long-term viability.
  • #13 — Climate Action: To get on board with intensive climate action efforts, farmers have two priorities: widespread education and supportive agricultural technology solutions. We give farmers the data-driven mechanisms they need to ensure environmentally responsible change. One tool, the Dimitra Connected Farmer App, uses satellites to provide critical information to farmers. Cutting-edge technology solutions aren’t a quick and easy fix — they are long-term strategies toward climate action. Our goal at Dimitra is to equip farmers with the information, digital tools, and practical farming methods that will trickle down into future generations.
  • #15 — Life on Land: We have a commitment to helping farmers and global trade companies comply with new and upcoming laws similar to the EU deforestation ban. With the Dimitra Deforestation Module, consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, farmers, and importers can obtain certifications that comply with new trade laws. In fact, using satellite analysis, geofencing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and mobile technology, operators can detect deforested areas. Farmers who operate on non-deforested land can prove their compliance in an effort to protect biodiversity. More importantly, farms that operate fraudulently — utilizing deforested land or furthering deforestation — can be easily detected and penalized.

If you would like to learn more, please visit our website for more information.

To answer the second part of your question, yes, Dimitra aligns its initiatives to contribute positively to environmental, social, and governance issues. We do this by building a community of mission-driven organizations, leaders, agro-entrepreneurs, and educators that will transform the lives of farmers, their families, and communities around the world. The development of the Dimitra Ecosystem relies on these specific principles to create a successful environment of inclusion, collaboration, acceleration, community, and opportunity.

Dimitra is currently active in over 65 countries and collaborates with governments, NGOs, and for-profit organizations. How does Dimitra establish partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders to scale its impact and bring about meaningful change in global agriculture?

We have a dedicated team of representatives in countries all over the world working within their communities to find opportunities where our technology can make a difference. Yes, Dimitra also primarily works with Governments, NGOs, farming collectives, or cooperatives. Usually, there are farming organizations or cooperatives within the nations we work with. Within that, there are thousands of individual farmers who are part of these organizations.

The Connected Farmer platform is available in 18 languages, making it accessible to farmers in diverse regions. How does Dimitra address language barriers and ensure that farmers from different linguistic backgrounds can fully utilize the platform’s benefits?

Dimitra has employees located all across the world in over 65 countries. More specifically, we have team members that work specifically in their region, catering to the farmers of their linguistic background. We are continuously growing our list of available languages as we receive more contracts, currently we are delivering in 18 languages.. In addition to our hands-on approach, we are also looking for opportunities to work with local representatives and universities when deploying our technology.

Scaling globally and reaching every corner of the world presents an interesting challenge, this coupled with literacy, language and access issues compounds the difficulty. Luckily farming has almost always been a community based endeavor. Word travels quickly and wherever we bring Dimitra we will be working in the local languages. For example, to support the coffee farmers in our Solok Cooperative partnership, we have been working with Andalas University, a public research university in Padang, West Sumatra to facilitate and educate smallholder farmers. This project focuses on developing an integrated Carbon Soil Assessment Program and also to improve farmers coffee crop output and help with their supply chain and traceability to international markets. The students and lecturers go out to Solok Radjo Cooperative and work with the farmers by reviewing the current soil health and monitoring the ongoing regenerative practices with our Connected Coffee platform.

What are Dimitra’s long-term goals and vision? How does the platform see its role in transforming the agriculture industry and contributing to the well-being of farmers, producers and consumers globally?

Our vision at Dimitra is that every farmer across the world should benefit from data-driven, effective farming technologies regardless of their economic standing, ensuring those that need it most have access.

Dimitra empowers farmers to improve their farming processes through real-time insights powered by its unique, comprehensive tech stack. Built on blockchain technology and using AI, machine learning, satellite and drones, IoT, genomics and mobile tech, Dimitra, by removing data silos, is driving innovation globally to ensure the world is a better place for future generations.

Our long-term goals are to make advanced agricultural technology available globally. The evolution of our platform has benefited from projects around the world and continues to evolve. Our technology approach considers regional differences to crop management but combines those considerations to create a holistic view. Our core goal is to help millions of farmers around the world benefit from a new Web4 world combining advanced technologies like AI, IoT, Satellite, Mobile and Blockchain

Dimitra is on a mission to bring elegant and useful technology to the world’s smallholder farmers at an affordable price. Can you explain how Dimitra’s data-driven approach helps smallholder farmers increase crop yields, reduce costs, and mitigate risk? What tools and insights is Dimitra providing to help them achieve these goals?

We help farmers increase yield by using data-driven insights through our platforms. We deliver actionable recommendations.

We work hand in hand with data and farmers to find ways to reduce costs. For example, in Papua New Guinea we use drones for targeted spraying as a form of precision agriculture. Using technology to only spray what is necessary will help farmers not only save on costs, but is also a more sustainable option.

We work to mitigate risk in numerous ways. For example, our technology helps farmers improve their food safety and security.

The DMTR token plays an important role in Dimitra’s ecosystem. Can you elaborate on the utility of the token in mobile applications, AI reports, marketplaces, insurance and loans for farmers, and more?

Yes, I’d love to elaborate on how the token is essentially the fuel for our ecosystem. I can give you a couple examples.

We often work with NGOs, governments, and farm associations. In our vase platform, we offer five satellite reports for them to utilize. However, we have 15+ more advanced reports that they can purchase. Now here is the exciting thing. They can actually use DMTR to purchase those reports.

Another example is the deal we have with an individual farming association called Solok Radjo Cooperative that is focused on coffee. They have recently just paid their licensing fees in DMTR.

In addition to purchasing advanced reports with DMTR, farmers also have the option to purchase additional technology. Let’s look at an individual contract, and that individual contract a number of users. For example, let’s say that the contract has a thousand users. Those thousand users may have 10,000 cows, and every one of those cows needs a sensor. If they want to load sensors within the platform, they have to either onboard through DMTR, the sensors that they’re using, or buy our sensors, with DMTR. In addition to the sensor, we get a multiplier on every one of those because we put margins on those transactions. Those margins coming back through DMTR allows the value to grow.

We are also working with Ocean Protocol to make our data available through the Ocean data marketplace. The Ocean data marketplace will actually be in the marketplace within the Dimitra application. What’s more, farmers will receive a percentage of the proceeds of that sale of data.

Another example of utility is with our Deforestation Compliance module. When Dimitra receives a deforestation certification request from a customer, they collect payment and subsequently pay the necessary government filing fees and expenses. DMTR tokens are used to generate the certificate. Relevant transactions are processed to the blockchain using the Dimitra App. Tokens are then burned, and the entire process is recorded on the blockchain-based platform for compliance.

And finally, our most recent example is with OMA. They will be converting the One Million Avocados (OMA) farmers’ points accrued for DMTR tokens, consequently increasing awareness of Dimitra tokenization among its farmers.



Dimitra Technology
Dimitra Technology

Written by Dimitra Technology

Our mission is to partner with developing nations to make agricultural technologies more accessible to farmers.

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