DMTR Token Utility

How Solok Radjo Cooperative is Supporting and Supported by DMTR

Dimitra Technology
3 min readMar 14, 2023

With an estimated value of over $8.5 trillion, the agri-food industry is a space brimming with advances and technological evolution. Dimitra’s Connected Farmer platform democratizes access to farming technology to farmers in need globally.

Solok Radjo is a Cooperative benefitting from Dimitra’s Connected Farmer platform. The cooperative is based in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The agreement forged with Dimitra is catalyzing progress in Solok’s coffee market, especially in high-opportunity areas, including premium export markets.

This is all made possible because of the very strategic way that Dimitra’s business model was developed. And it all begins with the blockchain.

Blockchain, Utility Tokens, and Real-World value

Blockchain technology may be the most valuable innovation since the inception of the internet. Tokens are a significant reason for this value, especially utility tokens. Utility tokens can create real-world value, a value not just relegated to digital exchanges.

Much of the value of a utility token is wrapped up in the success of a related project. In fact, this is why the Dimitra story is a compelling one.

The power of using blockchain technology helps:

  • More farms and cooperatives use Dimitra’s technology
  • The data repository grows
  • That data feeds into (and grows) artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) functionalities
  • The value to the end user (the farmer) in terms of reliable, actionable data comes to exceed the initial financial investment
  • Farmers leverage services to expand adoption of additional financial services

Solok Radjo Cooperative is an illustration of even more value: cooperative leaders used tokens to buy their licensing. Over time, they will give tokens to the farmers in their cooperative, who can then use those to buy advanced features in the platform.

Dimitra’s Impact on the Coffee Ecosystem

Dimitra aims to serve coffee cooperatives exceptionally well, but we have additional ambitions.

Not only do we aim to partner with 1,000 cooperatives, but we also want to see universities (like Andalas University), soil suppliers, seed suppliers, and other key players in coffee come into our ecosystem.

By doing this, the value for all will compound exponentially, bringing a driving force for positive change into local communities around the world.

Driving Utility as We Grow

The ecosystem strategy described above is a strategy we’re passionate about, because we know it will work to improve the lives and businesses of the farmers we want to help.

For example, the Solok Radjo Cooperative is a great illustration that showcases the effectiveness of this approach. Farmers invest and should be able to clearly see how they will get a return on that investment.

Added Perks and Opportunities

We have just launched a sponsorship program where anyone anywhere in the world can invest and provide licenses for farmers.

Then there’s this added perk: as farmers submit the data we need to enrich the community, they will be building a body of data that has a monetary value to the ecosystem. They can capitalize on that as we sell aggregated data on the Ocean Protocol.

DMTR: Reimagining the Possibilities

As a team, we recognize that we stand on the threshold of massive opportunities. Our sophisticated software and systems put game-changing tools into the hands of people who run the 570 million small farms around the world.

We are reimagining what’s possible, leveraging the power of emerging technology to reshape the future for worthy farmers around the world. And we won’t stop until every single one has gotten a shot to succeed.



Dimitra Technology
Dimitra Technology

Written by Dimitra Technology

Our mission is to partner with developing nations to make agricultural technologies more accessible to farmers.

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